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Duuskeev, roughly translated as "claw city", is located at the south-western base of the Quiise Mountains, on the plains, on the continent of Kyisna. It is populated by kaasht interested mainly in battle and survival. Generally kaasht who live here are dire realists and they make very good generals, but very poor philosophers. It is a very highly organized city, as it was originally mapped out by professional warriors, and the law is strictly enforced. Theivery, slavery, brawling, and general disruption is dealt with harshly, and abilities may only be used with a permit or during city-regulated practice sessions. Duuskeev has a triangular layout, almost a perfectly even geometric shape with the top point facing due south, and it is hemmed in by a tall, forbiding wall. The tip of each point of the triangle is open to kaasht of other breeds to wander and is where markets, healers, inns, and other public fascilities are located. Just inside those points are residential areas where all breeds of kaasht might live. This is generally a lower-quality place to live, not quite at slum level but not much higher, though some landlords keep better care of their complexes than others. Beyond the all-kaasht sectors of Duuskeev are the mainly Mountain kaasht sectors. In the north of the city is the military sector, where mercenaries might find work and Duuskeev's standing army resides. Similarly war-minded kaasht of other breeds sometimes are admitted here to live and work. Dwellings here are comfortable but not extravagant, enough to keep a working soldier happy. They are almost dismally similar, however, as no one soldier must be thought to be better than the others. The southern remnants of the city are for Mountain kaasht not in the army, with slightly more varied but still simply comfortable dwellings. Only registered guests or mates of Mountain kaasht who are not of the Mountain breed may live here. At the very center of the city is a small section reserved for politicians, officials, officers in the guard and army, and particularly rich kaasht who can afford to live there. The dwellings there are often ornate and particularly large, though also rarely in good taste, appearing more gaudy than anything else. |