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Located on the plains towards the south of Kyisna, the city of Varag is the largest settlement of Plains kaasht outside of Alcaine. The city is ruled, rather like Alcaine is, by a pair of elders, one male, one female, chosen from one of the elite families. The Elders also have a limited amount of control over several of the Plains clans in the surrounding area. Unlike Alcaine, though, Varag is a city for Plains kaasht and only Plains kaasht. Other species may be allowed to enter the city on business, but may not take up permanent residence. Plains halfbreeds are also admitted, though they frequently attract odd looks and the occasional racial slur. The Varag Elders do have contact with the Alcaine Plains Elders, although due to the great distance between them, communications are limited and messages tend to be exchanged perhaps only a couple of times a year. To add to that, relationships between the two cities tend to be strained at best. Because it is, essentially, a one-species city, Varag does not have the same 'spoked' design as Alcaine. However it does have the same roughly circular shape, and shares one or two design features. The Elder's palace is located in the centre. Around this are the ' upper class' housing areas, forming a rough circle around the palace. This area is enlosed by a heavily fortified wall, and is generally closed off to the public. Around the wall you'll find a main marketplace, rather like Alcaine's - as well as the slave markets. Further out is housing for the 'commoners', as well as other, smaller marketplaces. The entire city is encircled by another wall, although to accommodate the rising population, more dwellings have sprung up outside these walls. Whilst these are still considered to be a part of Varag, they are mostly seen as being the absolute lower class areas of the city. In this way, though, the city explans further outwards. As stated before, Varag is home to an extensive slave market - possibly the biggest on Tryne. Varag is the centre of all slave-trading on Tryne. This is one of the reasons why the Alcaine Elders tend to be uncomfortable with the Varag Elders. The Plains kaasht typically favour a few breeds for uses as slaves, though some of the more savage ones will even use mundanes of their own species. (Mundanes are particulary useful because of their weak abilities, which mean they require less control) Generally favoured are smaller, more peaceful breeds, such as Caves, Skies (these will usually have their wings cut off), Valleys, and Beaches. Minena are also favoured, for their nimble paws. Isles and the odd Forest, may also show up, though not quite so often. In general these breeds are often killed for sport, rather that used for work - battles between Plains kaasht and Forests or Isles have become quite a popular spectator sport, rather like the gladiators of Ancient Rome. Slaves are generally used for work considered to be too dirty, tiring, etc, for the residents of the city. Richer families may own their own slave, in some cases two or three. Privately owned slaves may be treated slightly better, although they are still essentially the Plains kaasht's possession and nothing more. It is common practise to kill a slave once they reach Level 5 or thereabouts, to prevent them from gaining so many abilities that they become too powerful to control. Certain colours may also be discouraged - for example, Iridescent slaves are generally killed earlier at about level 4, before their colour ability becomes too dangerous to the owner. There are no hard and fast rules about how long a slave may live, though, and it is up to the owner to decide when they are getting to be too powerful. Varag may seem barbaric, but not really - it has laws, just like any other city. It's pretty safe - so long as you're a Plains kaasht or have some dealings with them. |