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Color words Kaasht describe colors in the sense of the thirteen base colors. Since the base colors form an important role in much of kaasht society, kaasht see other colors such as pink, grey, or brown as being 'modified' versions of a base color. The thirteen base colors are:
To say the name of a color not on this list, a kaasht simply says the name of the closest base color and then adds a modifying adjective onto the end. There are no straight rules about this, so the name of a non-base color shade really depends on the kaasht who is speaking. For example: "Brown" could be formed by saying "Neeaak'javeek" (dull copper), or maybe "Iiaak'javeek" (dull orange). A more beige shade could possibly be called "Qaas'javeek" (dull yellow). It is also possible to use more than one modufying adjective - so beige could also be called "Neeaak'javeek'ciiriiaa" (dull, light copper). (There are no rules over what order the modifying ajectives come in - "Neeaak'ciiriiaa'javeek" would still be a perfectly valid way of saying "beige") "Grey" could be "Aamuu'javeek" (dull silver), or possibly "Dask'ciiriiaa" (light black). By the same principle, "pink" may be "Faav'ciiriiaa" (light red) This principle can also be used to more accurately describe a base colour. For example, a kaasht could distinguish between "Saax'deeskiin" (dark green), "Saax'ciiriia" (light green), "Saax'baan" (blueish green), "Saax'qaas" (yellowish green), and so on. It may be used to more accurately describe an iridescent or translucent kaasht. For example "Veeraam'baan" could describe an iridescent kaasht who appears blue, while "Eexsaa'baan" can describe a translucent kaasht who appears blue. |