English Kashtian
He Kaam
Her Shiim
Him Shaam
I Ahme
It Lo
Me Vee
My Ahmaa
She Kiim
That Fraash
Them Kvaash
They Rraamoo
This Niiraak
Those Pweeraan
Us Guuriis
We Taamoo
You Iiee
You all Ooiiee
Your Naamanaa

Conjugations of 'to be' (is, was, etc)

Present tense (am, are, is)
English Kashtian
First person singular ('I am') Jaama'aakaa
First person plural ('We are') Jaama'aareen
Ssecond person ('You are') Jaama'aamwee
Third person animate ('He/she is') Jaama'aas
Third person inanimate ('It is') Jaama'aashn

Past tense (was, were)
English Kashtian
First person singular ('I was') Jaama'ookoo
First person plural ('We were') Jaama'ooreen
Second person ('You were') Jaama'oomwee
Third person animate ('He/she was') Jaama'oos
Third person inanimate ('It was') Jaama'ooshn

Future tense (will)
English Kashtian
First person singular ('I will') Jaama'uukuu
First person plural ('We will') Jaama'uureen
Second person ('You will') Jaama'uumwee
Third person animate ('He/she will') Jaama'uus
Third person inanimate ('It will') Jaama'uushn

Conditional tense (would)
English Kashtian
First person singular ('I would') Jaama'yky
First person plural ('We would') Jaama'yyreen
Second person ('You would') Jaama'yymwee
Third person animate ('He/she would') Jaama'yys
Third person inanimate ('It would') Jaama'yyshn

English Kashtian
How Haanuu
What Shiimuu
When Qweenuu
Where Mraanuu
Who Mruuruu
Why Lyyvuu

Others (prepositions, articles, etc)
English Kashtian
A Oa
And Aav
By Sees
From Baas
Have Kavo
No Nak
Of Se
Or Eve
Other Feere
Same Uuaan
So Vro
The Maa
To Yoo
Very Jaaskaa
Well Haame
With Karoo
Yes Rri