English Kashtian Translation
Farewell (formal) Kaasht cuuros (suuna), waan iiee haame "Kaasht brother (sister), fare you well"
Farewell Waan haame
Good-bye Waa'me "Farewell" (shortened)
Good evening Maa Eemu Mosaa beenoo'aarr "The Good Moons come"
Hello Taaso "Greetings"
Hello (formal) Taaso yoo maa kaasht cuuros (suuna) "Greetings to the kaasht brother (sister)"
How are you? Haanuu iiee "How're you"
How are you? (formal) Haanuu waan'aas maa kaasht cuuros (suuna) "How fares the kaasht brother (sister)"
I am from.. Jaama'aakaa baas...
Is this your territory? Jaama'aashn niiraak naamanaa pwaana eevaraak?
Lymia guard you Liimiaa guush'aashn iiee
My name is... Maa eemistoo ahme kavo jaama'aashn "The name I have is..."
Sirencia bless you Siireenceaa bwaashoo'aashn iiee
What is his (her) name? Shiimuu jaama'aashn maa eemistoo se maa cuuros (suuna)? "What is the name of the kaasht brother (sister)?"
What is your name? Shiimuu jaama'aashn naamanaa eemistoo?

English Kashtian Translation
A gurgan take your tail Oa guurgaan xshaama'aashn naamanaa ssaa
By the Three Moons Sees maa Sro Mosaa'n "By the Three Moons"
Child of a Mundane Friitch'kiitiiso "Mundane-child"
Damn (it) Aakoo'(lo)
Mundane lover Friitch daaroo'ss
Xyan damn you Xiaan aakoo iiee

Untranslateable Curses

Swear Words
On the next page is a bunch of swear words. Although the words in Kashtian are rather... unoffensive the English version may be to some. Unless you are around 17 or so, I wouldn't look. Kay? Of course you are anyway... but at least I gave a warning!

Swear Words