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Clan Structure Lunar kaasht, like the Plateaus, have few actual Clans, and the ones that do exist are scattered among Tryne, each continent holding maybe two or three permanent Clans. The Clan structure is much like any other kaasht species, except for one difference. Instead of it being lead by the eldest of the Clan, they are instead lead by the Oracle of the Clan, the one who can most accurately and predictably foresee the future. Many come from all over Tryne to these Clans to have their futures read and told to them, although some receive an answer that they do not like to hear. The Lunars take on the future is that it cannot be changed and one must meet his or her destiny as best they can, and live their lives knowing that whatever happens was meant to happen, be it good or bad. They tell the future to other species of kaasht hoping to help them with their future and to help them make the right choices and to accept their fate, be it for better or for worse. Very rarely are their predictions wrong, and the other species of kaasht are in awe of their abilities to predict something. Many times the Elders of Alcaine will call upon a Lunar for assistance and a reading to find out if what they are doing is right or wrong. Although the Lunars believe that what will happen was going to happen anyway, with or without their interference, they tell the true future as they see it. Lunar kits are taught from an early age about the sun, moons, and stars, and also about the comets, asteroids and other space materials that inhabit their universe. Not all Lunars can foresee the future, and although the true seers are rare indeed, it is always hoped upon by the parents that they will be able to foresee for their kit and themselves are set for life. Kits are looked after carefully by their family, and are kept in the family for a long period of time to learn about life and the mystics of the stars and moons. Lunar kaasht that live in the Clans are often treated equally, with no differences between the roles of males and females. Kits are treated as apprentices in the Clans, and elder kaasht are treated with the utmost respect, while Seers are treated almost as if they were royalty except without the special treatment of servants and other such unnecessary things. Also, all kaasht are welcome into any Lunar kaasht Clan. In fact they promote that different species visit their Clans, both for trade, and to learn about outside goings as they cannot always ask their Seer to read the future. Lunar kaasht are extremely open to any species joining or entering their Clan as long as they don't do violence or cause havoc and mayhem. Culture The Lunar kaasht, like the Old Mystics, are from before the Time of Madness. They are the descendents of the very very few who lived through the blast of magic that wasted Kan'gisha. Their ancestors neither died from the blast, nor went mad. Instead they were changed both mentally and physically, and became different than any other type of kaasht on Tryne. Lunar kaasht culture is different than most types of kaasht. They look to the heavens for just about everything, highly believing in fate and that the stars can predict what will happen. They have learned all the patterns of space, about the phases of the moon, and how the stars whirl around space. Their culture relies heavily upon the stars and what they predict, and also on the Seers that can truly predict the future. Because they are seen as the true mystics of Tryne (as very few know of the Old Mystics), and many wander Tryne, their goal to meet others and to have their Seers predict the future of other kaasht. Seers in their culture are highly thought of, and protected and loved like a king or queen. Although loved deeply by their species, they are not specially treated except for when it comes to protection. Seers are treated like any other kaasht, except with more respect. Life is generally easy in Lunar kaasht society as rules are lax and its generally peaceful anyway. All that is really asked of their culture is that you treat every kaasht equally and in general not cause trouble for other kaasht or themselves. Opinions on Other Species (later) Opinions on Other Kaasht Types Mundanes: Most Lunars are generally open towards mundanes, probably as a result of the fact that they all become mundane for a short time when changing colours. Mundane Lunars don't meet with quite the same acceptance as mundane Plateaus, but on the whole they are more fortunate than most breeds. Half-breeds: Since Lunars are such peaceful and accepting kaasht, it's hardly surprising that Lunar halfbreeds are fairly common. Halfbreeds are treated no differently than any other type of kaasht in Lunar society, although they are respected for their higher number of abilities and their connections to the Protectors. Bi-colors: Lunars do not exactly hate bicolours... but they do feel wary of them. Perhaps it's because they are exceptionally rare. While only the highest ranking Lunars have any idea of the existance of the Guild, the general fear of bicolours has spread among their society. Still, no Lunar will hesitate to help a bicolour if they need it, provided that they follow the rules of the clan - to remain peaceful at all times. Protectors: Lunars are one of the kaasht breeds with a fairly high proportion of their population knowing about the Protectors and the Guild, compared to other breeds. Still, the total amount of Lunars who know about these organisations is still very small. Information about them is treat in the same way as information about the Elementals - exceptionally secret and only to be told to a kaasht who has reached the highest ranks of society - usually only the Seers of a clan. These kaasht have high respect for the Protectors, for keeping Tryne safe from the Guild. Guilders: Those Lunars that know about the existance of the Guild have a deep hate of the organisation. Though their feelings are not as strong as those of the Old Mystics, and they do not know that Chameleon is trying to find the Elemental's Sacred Names, they have a strong dislike of any organisation that sets out to create chaos and violence. Lunars do not at all go out of their way to hunt down Guilders, but they won't hesitate to defend themselves or another kaasht if the need should arise. Opinions on Colors Since a Lunar changes colour throughout his or her life, Lunars tend not to form opinions on each other based on something that is only temporary, and a kaasht's social role is never determined by colour. That being said, though, they do have a preferance for certain colours. Like the Sky kaasht, they have more respect for the more nonviolent colours. The two most favoured colours are gold and silver, but besides that there isn't much of a bias, although, again like Skies, Lunars do have a slight aversion to copper. All the same, there are no 'bad' colours, in their opinion. Whether they are gold, silver, copper, or anything else, a kaasht is always treated the same. |