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Clan Structure Much like the Forest kaasht, rarely can a Marsh kaasht be found dwelling in an area other than its namesake. The entire physique of a Marsh is adapted to swamp life, and unsuitable for other regions. The oily coating of a Marsh's fur in particular limits the breed to cooler areas, for while it's wonderful for keeping heat in, it doesn't allow the Marsh to radiate excess heat at all. In hot climates outside of their moist swamps, Marsh kaasht usually die of heatstroke if they cannot find a way to immerse their overheated bodies. Cool climates are uncomfortable for the short-furred kaasht, but not nearly as lethal. Unlike other the kaasht species that gather in large family Clans, Marsh kaasht gather in groups called Packs, which number from twenty to seventy adult kaasht and however many young are born to its members. Where in Clans all kaasht are relatively equal and are led by a few Elders, Pack hierarchy is determined entirely by strength and battle prowess. The stronger you are, the higher your position in your Pack. There is no such thing as true rivalry between the different Packs, though competition over territory boundaries is certainly not unheard of. With their mistrust and xenophobia towards the other breeds, Pack-against-Pack contention is too little a thing to concern themselves with. In fact, Packs are usually on good terms with one another, and will even exchange packmates to prevent inbreeding. This brotherliness between Packs is not so much that Packs might share territory, but one Pack would never consider waging war against another. When it comes to other breeds, 'hospitality' is non-existent among the feral Marshes. Marsh kaasht are xenophobic as a race, and any non-Marsh found within Pack lands is quickly driven out or killed, depending on the trespasser's breed, proximity to the heart of the Pack's territory, and the speed with which the non-Marsh makes for the nearest boundary. Marsh kaasht have been known to chase intruders for several miles, not even pausing for breath until the other is well out of the swamps. Sentries are always on alert, night and day, to keep an eye out for foreign kaasht. More tolerant Packs and their members will, on occasion, simply hide from the foreign kaasht until the trespasser has moved on. This tolerance is not common, however, and never applies to Valleys; Valley kaasht are the one breed that Marshes hold an all-out hatred for, mostly due to the contrast between their natures. Minena are simply viewed as another prey animal, as Marshes hold no respect for the other sentient race at all. Admittedly, there are some Marshes of milder and more tolerant natures, but these are definitely the rarity; perhaps one in every fifty Marshes is born with a less violent disposition. Marshes spotted outside of Pack lands and within cities are usually of this variety. These civilised Marshes are also considered Powerless (see below) by their Pack-residing brethren. Marsh kaasht territories are marked by a single den near the centre. This den is underground if the land is dry enough to allow it, but is normally located within a dense thicket or even a cave. This den is undecorated and lined with foliage, and aside from serving as a "home base" for the Pack, has little true use. Its central use is as a safe place for females to bear their kits, while other Pack members are alert and protective outside. Marshes under thirty-five years of age (the Potentials) are allowed to sleep and take refuge in the den as well, but otherwise the den is simply a landmark, though some Packs may use the den as a kind of storage area for extra food. Defacing the den in anyway is considered a serious offence. Culture There is not much in the way of culture when it comes to Marsh kaasht. Unlike the other breeds, Marshes do not have cities or towns of any kind, nor do they have any architectural or artistic abilities. Kits are not formally educated, and must simply learn from their elders as they grow or be left behind in stupidity (Marshes end up surprisingly smart, common sense and world-wise, because of this). Aside from Pack name-runes and other territorial markings used to pass on messages, Marshes are highly illiterate. They are also the atheists of the kaasht world, though it is not uncommon to have a Marsh who believes in the Color Spyral/Three Moons faith. Marsh kaasht do not have gender roles of any kind, and are fiercely protective of their kits. Although harsh to all other breeds, Marsh kaasht can be extremely tender and caring when it comes to dealing with their young. Though taught from the start that weakness is a sin and encouraged to scuffle with their fellows in preparation for the future's Challenges, Marsh kits are well-loved and cared-for even if it doesn't show. When not fighting, Pack members are often close to one another as well. Regardless of another's rank, all Marshes can recognise their packmates both by sight and by smell. Pack loyalties are strong, and even a pacifist Omega-rank kaasht will be defended in a threatening situation. Just because one does not hold much respect for a lesser Packmate doesn't mean you can ignore them. Marshes are very honourable creatures among their own, almost as strongly as Deserts are. The central idea held close to the heart of any self-respecting Marsh kaasht is their honoured and honourable system of Greater and Lesser Ranks. Everything in Marsh life is about strength, and their system of ranks reflects this. To improve one's rank, a kaasht must formally Challenge another kaasht who holds the desired rank. Three other kaasht must witness the fight to sanction it. Species abilities may be used as desired, but colour abilities can only be used if the participating kaasht are of the same level. Some Marshes fight their Challenges with only their teeth and claws. The victorious kaasht claims the rank the battle was fought over, and the loser becomes part of whichever Lesser Rank their status applies to. Greater Ranks Alpha: The two Alphas are the strongest male and female kaasht in the pack, and all lesser kaasht obey their words loyally if not unquestioningly. Unlike in a wolf pack, the Alphas are not necessarily a mated pair. It's not unheard of, though, for a rising Alpha to dump their previous mate with intents of pursuing the other Alpha - strong parents mean strong kits, after all. The punishment for not obeying one's Alphas is either death, or being made an Outcast. A kaasht must be Beta or Sub-Alpha rank to Challenge one of the Alphas. Sub-Alpha: Beneath the Alphas there is a single sub-Alpha. He or she is a kind of second-in-command to the Alphas, and is the third most powerful kaasht in the Pack. Extreme disrespect to the Sub-Alpha is often punished in a manner that fits the insult. A kaasht must be Delta or Beta rank to Challenge the sub-Alpha. Beta: Each pack has two Betas, whom help the Alphas and Sub-Alpha in regulating everyday Pack life and keeping the lesser ranks in order. Extreme disrespect to the Betas may be punished in a manner that fits the insult. The Betas may be two males, two females, or one of each sex. A kaasht must be Delta rank to Challenge one of the Betas. Lesser Ranks Delta: The most common rank, Deltas are the 'common folk' of the Pack and make up much of the Pack's population. Deltas have fought more than twenty battles (with other Marshes), and have won the majority of those. Epsilon: The second most common rank, Epsilons are also the 'common folk' of the Pack and make up much of the Pack's population. Epsilons have fought more than twenty battles (with other Marshes), but have lost the majority of those. Kappa: Kappas have fought less than twenty battles (with other Marshes) and have won at least one of those. At the twentieth fight, the kaasht becomes either a Delta or an Epsilon. These kaasht are usually young. Gamma: The second least respected of the Pack ranks. Gammas are kaasht that fight, but have not won any battles (with other Marshes). Omega: These are kaasht that have not fought any battles at all. They're either scapegoat pacifists, or teenagers that just came of age of Rank-earning. Other Ranks Potential: Kits and kaasht under thirty-five years of age. On their thirty-fifth birthday, teenaged kaasht become Omegas and tackle the Rank tree from there. Renewal: Renewals are Deltas that leave their birth Pack in search of another, in order to keep fresh blood circling the Packs and prevent inbreeding. Renewals are given a stone talisman with their Pack's Rune by their Pack's Alphas before they leave, so the new Pack they arrive at knows they truly are a Renewal (the talisman is broken at this point to prevent false re-use). When accepted to a new Pack, Renewals become Deltas again. Powerless: The Powerless are kaasht that have chosen to abandon Pack life. Since the Pack is the core of Marsh kaasht life, Powerless kaasht receive little respect. The Powerless may not rejoin their original Pack, but other Packs may decide to accept them as a Kappa if the Powerless can beat one of their Deltas in a battle. Outcast: As the name suggests, Outcasts are kaasht that have been forever exiled from their Pack. They are distinguished by the fact that their canine teeth have been broken off near the base, and only useless stumps remain (not even gold kaasht cannot reverse this condition). Outcasts may never rejoin any Pack, regardless of their strength, and are driven out of Pack territories whenever they are spotted. Opinions on Other Species Sky: Pathetic is a word that comes to mind. A Sky wouldn't last half a day in a Pack. At least they don't bother us when they've got their heads in the clouds. May they stay there indefinitely. The Plainses are trying to kill them all, right? I don't think I'd mind if they succeeded at that. Forest: Someone needs to explain to me why it's such a bad thing that the Forests protect their homes so ferociously. I see nothing wrong with it. They just need to do a better job of it. You never catch a Plains burning down one of our swamps, do you? Plains: Excellent fighters, without a doubt, but their egos keep them from being true warriors. And it's sad how they fight just for the purpose of fighting. Battles are to build strength and make sure everykaasht knows his place. I wouldn't mind catching an egotistical Plains in my Pack's lands some day... we'd show him his place, for sure. Mountain: Stubborn is too light a word for them. Resolve and purpose have their place in everything, but there are great differences between determined and obstinate. Tenacity won't help them if I ever catch one in our swamps... Desert: Honour is the glue that holds the Packs together and keeps order between the Ranks, but there is such a thing as taking it too far. Perhaps those arid wastelands they live in have shrivelled up their brains? Cave: There is only so much room in one's life for thought. Action is what gets you greater Ranking, not sitting around and thinking about it. No wonder they're cave-dwellers; it's the only way they can protect their scholarly little selves from the larger breeds. Beach: Hmm... I admit, everything must come in moderation. The Beaches have learned this well... even if they have let themselves grow soft as their hearts grow large. Their calmness is to be admired, but their sociability is their greatest weakness. Valley: Wretched beasts! Lackadaisical vermin is all they are! They have no organisation or discipline whatsoever, and they make me sick. I don't even understand why they focus on humour so much. Comedy alone is useless, and since the Valleys live for comedy, they too are useless. You won't hear them laughing if my Pack ever catches one. Old Mystic: Old what? Never seen one. Don't mind if it stays that way, either. There are already enough other breeds for me to worry about keeping out of my Pack's lands. Tundra: How on Tryne does a breed like this continue? All they do is mope. Pitiable things. Maybe someday they'll all keel over dead from a lack of interest in living. I certainly wouldn't miss them. Plateau: As with the Caves, they think too much. And they're nosy, and you know I hate snoopers. If I ever catch one trying to 'investigate' my Pack, we'll be sure to give him a first-paw experience of our territoriality... and THEN we'll see how much they like 'field research'! Isle: Ahh yes, the Isles. A laudable breed. Their tight-knit Tribes are akin to our own Packs, and their size belies their strength. Although... their necromantic skills are a bit... disturbing, to say the least... the very least... Opinions on Other Kaasht Types Mundanes: Very few Packs tolerate Mundanes, but those that do never allow the Mundane to rise above Delta rank. Intolerant Packs chase Mundanes from Pack lands when the Mundane reaches mid-Level 2. Non-Marsh Mundanes, however, are consistently sneered at, and considered even more pathetic than their properly-coloured brethren. Half-breeds/Protectors: About one-fourth of Marsh Packs accept Hybrids, but only those of Beach, Plains, or Isle heritage. All others are not allowed in Packs or even Pack lands. Marshes do not often know about the Protectors, and as such they receive the same racist treatment. Bi-colors/Guilders: Regular Multicolours are accepted simply as another kaasht, given no more respect than usual unless earned, but may only use one of their colour abilities in rank battles. Guilders, however, are well known of by all Marshes and fiercely despised, and a Pack will rally to kill any Guilder found within their lands. They are not known as Guilders, however... they're simply foreign multicolour kaasht. Given the territorial and secluded nature of Marshes and their protectiveness of their kits, it takes a talented Guilder to escape the notice of Marsh sentries, and word spreads quickly to the other Packs of kit-stealing multicolours. Even Marsh Guilders are subject to being attacked by the Pack, when they are quickly identified as not being Pack members. Opinions on Colours Respected: Black and green. Indifferent: Red, orange, yellow, blue, purple, and white. Disliked: Iridescent and translucent (respective abilities considered 'cheating'). Considered Odd: Silver, gold, and copper. |