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Clan Structure Mountain kaasht clans are generally found where the weather is chilly and the terrain is rocky. The obvious locale for a Mountain clan is the mountains, but they can also be found in foothills, valleys, forests, and rocky flatlands near the coastline. On occasion a Mountain clan settles at the edges of the tundras and icelands, where it is just cold enough to be comfortable for their thick coats. A few clans who stick it out in the worst of weather have moved underground, like Caves, but their lives do no revolve around the darkness and they still forage out into the sunlight during the brief summers. Mountain clans are stationary and usually quite old, having lived in one place since the Time of Madness, with a rich history to go with their long timline. Clans range from fifty to three hundred individuals per clan, though is is not unheard of for a single family to start off on their own and the three major Mountain kaasht cities peak five hundred individuals. Clans themselves are constructed mainly with stone, as that keeps out the chill of high altitudes, though some clans have grown quite clever in the use of mats, furs, and the like in insulating wooden shelters. In poorer villages, homes consist of natural or enlarged caves, the entrance blocked off with a crude door, but in the larger cities homes can be quite large and ornate. Mountain kaasht have highly structured governments, but these governments also tend to be highly just. Older kaasht make up the majority of clans' leaders, but directly under their authority is a council of respected adults who can bring up problems in the city, contest decisions made by the elders, and wield the majority of the power. In larger clans, meetings of the council can last all day with kaasht arguing back and forth with a Mountain's traditional stubborness. Kits in Mountain clans are put through a school of sorts during the second half of their second level, from the ages of 40 to 50. In small classes with one or two teachers, kits learn about the clan's history, the world beyond their clan, the religions practiced in the mountains, and their own abilities. All instruction is oral and as a result, writing has little importance. Many Mountain kaasht are illiterate. Culture Mountain kaasht are reknowned for their stubborness, and this is evident in their lifestyle. Mountain Kaasht are individualistic and love debating, so long as no feelings are hurt because neither involved will change his mind. Pride is very important to Mountain kaasht and they tend to put forth a gruff, tough front. The worst embarassment of all for a Mountain kaasht is to show weakness. Despite their penchant for pride, Mountain kaasht can be amazingly tender to their loved ones, and they are unfathomably loyal to those who win their trust. Family is very important to Mountain kaasht culture and three or four generations of kaasht often live in the same dwelling. Kits are treated with a gruff affection, tousseled with and prepared for the world but still protected fiercely. No Mountain kit ever doubts he or she is loved. Tradition is important to the lives of Mountain kaasht in the form of routine. Disturbing a Mountain kaasht's routine with unexpected or unwelcome events puts one in a very foul mood. These routines are passed down through the generations, making it seem, in smaller villages, that nothing ever changes. Gender roles among Mountains are on the whole slightly towards the more traditional, where females care for young and males provide for the family, but this varies drastically from clan to clan. Smaller settlements are usually more traditional. The two great artistic skills of Mountain kaasht are their musical abilities and abilities with shaping metal and stone. Mountains are proud of their complex tradition in music and from among their ranks have come the most famous voices of all Tryne's history since the Time of Madness. Music is rarely written down, instead passed down orally, and can be integrated into many daily activities, from skinning dinner to rite of passage rituals. Also, Mountain kaasht are excellent metal smiths and sculptors, likely due to their surroundings. Opinions on Other Species Sky kaasht: A bit dull, as kaasht breeds go. Skies are far too passive for my taste. Pleasant, kind, and accepting they may be, but do they ever disagree? Forest kaasht: Good kaasht, all in all. Forests are tough but at the same time caring. I respect them for standing up to the Plains kaasht and sticking to their beliefs. Of course, not letting anyone inside their precious forests can be bothersome. Plains kaasht: Nothing like a Plains kaasht if you want a good argument. The only problem is, they tend to want to make it physical. What's the point of beating each other up when we both know neither kaasht is gonna change his mind? Desert kaasht: Almost as dull as Skies, though in a different way, are the Desert kaasht. They're worse than we are when it comes to tradition and their honor makes them stuffy. Even worse, they ignore any attempts at starting a good argument! Cave kaasht: Intelligent little critters. Caves are fun to have around, if you don't mind incessant questions. Cute, curious, and all-around good conversationalists. Beach kaasht: Boring! Sweet Spyral, they're worse than Skies! They're not even as friendly and cheerful as Skies to make up for their avoidance of confrontation. If you don't mind bland smiles and silence, Beaches make good company, but as I don't like bland smiles or silence, I think I'll let them keep their sand and water. Valley kaasht: Valley kaasht are endlessly annoying. They seem to take pleasure in avoiding true debate and instead point fun at whoever they're engaged with! It's a good thing they don't like the mountains, or I'm sure several would be leaving tailless. Old Mystics: Eh? What th'spyral are those? Tundra kaasht: You've gotta give this to a Tundra: they don't back down. Unfortunately, that's about all you can give them. Depressed, annoying, and ridiculously short, Tundras are hardly Tryne's best breed. Marsh kaasht: Stubborn brutes, yes, but far too feral for a good argument. Besides, they don't let us into their swamps-- who'd want into their swamps? Uck!-- so there's not much reason to try. Plateau kaasht: Annoying as all get-up, but good in a debate. They don't take arguing as passionately as a good Mountain, but they're at least willing and they make good points. They seem to preoccupied with changing a kaasht's mind, though, or wheedling information out of him. That can get old. Isle kaasht: Creepy little monsters... always afraid I'll step on one and it'll turn one of its undead pets on me. Yuck. Makes me shudder just to think about it. Opinions on Other Kaasht Types Mundanes: Mundanes make up the lowest class of Mountain kaasht society, though they are shown at least minimal respect in that they are kept fed and safe. Mountain kaasht dislike mundanes, as if mundanity were contageous, but deep inside most pity them and them show what small mercies their pride will allow. Half-breeds: Half-breeds are generally respected but not shown that respect. What half-breeds usually receive from Mountains is an odd mixture of suspicion and reverence, as if afraid to tread wrong lest they anger the many-abilitied kaasht. Half-breeds with Mountain blood are raised to be protectors of their clan. Bi-colors: Mountain kits born with more than one color are without fail respected and raised to be protectors of their clans, given they have more power on the whole than your average kaasht. However, some clans are extra careful not to smother the young protiges, as bicolor kits have a strange habit of disappearing. Protectors: Mountain kaasht tend to not know anything about the Protectors or the Guild, preferring to pay attention to their own lives rather than worry about distant power-struggles. Those few that do know, however, show a grudging respect for the ideals of the Protectors and are generally willing to help out if they need to. Guilders: What few Mountain kaasht know about the Guild, tend to be adamently against it. What Mountain would like something that exists to disrupt daily life and ruin the routine? If a Mountain kaasht comes across a kaasht and is certain it is a Guilder, he or she will not hesitate to try and take the Guilder out. Generally, however, Mountains will try to summon help, smart enough to know how powerful Guilders can be. Opinions on Colours On the whole, what color a kaasht is has little bearing on how well that kaasht is respected in Mountain kaasht society. However, some abilities are more useful in the cold, mountainous territories these stubborn kaasht inhabit and so they are afforded slightly more respect. Most Respected: Red, Black, Orange Respected: Green, Gold, Silver, Translucent Indifferent: Blue, Purple, Iridescent, Copper, Yellow, White |