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Clan Structure Old Mystic kaasht are a nomadic species, as continuous relocation on such a large planet as Tryne makes them hard to pin down and locate, and will set up camp anywhere but in the deserts, marshes, and tundras. Contrary to popular belief, Mystics are not a completely antisocial breed. Although loners do indeed exist, Mystics often live in clans of two dozen or so kaasht, their children, and the silver kits brought in to the clan. Clan hierarchy is based on a combination of age and wisdom, with age taking a slight priority. There are no definite Elders, however: major decisions are decided by a council of the clan's adult kaasht. Mystics are extremely traditional, and have not changed a lot since the Time of Madness. All Mystics know the Old Tongue (Daishan) to an impressive level of fluency, but also speak Kashtian. Gender roles are nonexistent in Mystic clans. The purpose of a Mystic Clan is education. The clan exists to teach both its own progeny, and the silver kits found by its members. Each adult Mystic has his or her own field of knowledge to offer, such as history or language, so that all the Mystics together are like the teachers of a school. Every day, the silver kits of the clan will be placed under the tutelage of one of the adults to learn what the adult has to offer. Each Mystic kit, however, is apprenticed to a single adult, and it is the duty of the apprentice to learn all of his Master's knowledge, for the kit will in turn teach that same knowledge to the silver kits when he is grown. Teachers are known as keien, and Masters are called keikasi. Both have the title attached to their name when addressed by subordinates, i.e. a Mystic teacher would be addressed by his/her students as Keien (Name). Students and apprentices (known respectively as shisu and keishisuen) do not receive a title. Keishisuen become keien and may begin to teach their own classes when they are eighty-five. An apprentice of their own may be adopted the following year, if a kit is available. The Mystics that go out in search of silver kits and do not remain with the clan long enough to teach the shisu are called Gaidei. Gaidei are usually those kaasht with good tracking and stealth skills, and more than a little wanderlust. It is not known how, but Mystics have a knack for being drawn to an area where a silver has been recently born. When a Gaidei finds a silver kit, they attempt to take away the kit in the middle of the night without alerting the parents or the rest of the clan. This may take weeks, depending on the alertness of the parents. Elder youths are approached when they are alone, and the Gaidei tries to convince the silver to come with them. If the silver is late in their fourth level or older, they are left where they are, being too old for training. Silver kaasht are educated for fifty to seventy-five years and are then released as fully prepared New Mystics. After becoming a New Mystic, or Maj'chan, the kaasht may either remain with the clan that raised them, or set off on their own. If the Maj'chan decides to leave, the Old Mystics will normally pay little attention to him or her after that. The only silvers that a Mystic will ignore, aside from those to old to educate, are those that are Lunars. After all, there's no point training a kaasht that will only be silver for 20 years or so. Those who know of the Mystics often wonder why they are so secretive, and why do they take silver kits in the first place? This is because the Mystics were witness to the destruction of the world prior to the Time of Madness, and blame themselves for it. They believe that if the world was exposed to their power again, or if any other kaasht as powerful as they tried to abuse that power again, it would bring about a second Time of Madness. So, they hide away, watching the world, and teaching the powerful silver kits what their race has learned from the errors they made. Dei'kasi (now known as Chameleon) is a loathed name among the Mystics, and this hate continues with his attempts to disrupt the world through his Guild. The Old Mystics break their rule of non-interference only to kill any Guilder that they can. Opinions on Other Species Most Mystics view all other breeds in the same way - to be avoided unless claiming a silver kit from its parents. Only when recruiting silvers do Mystics show their faces to other breeds, and then only if unavoidable. Otherwise Mystics remain with their own kind. Opinions on Other Kaasht Types Mundanes: Mystics generally pity Mundanes, but will not go out of their way to befriend or assist one. Silver Mundanes are particularly viewed with a sorrowful kind of disgust and disappointment. Mundane Mystics may receive a "mercy killing" moments after they are born, but this is the choice of the mother and father. Half-breeds/Protectors: Hybrids are generally respected, though Mystics look on Hybrids with Mystic blood with a sad eye, seeing only the further dilution of their nearly extinct bloodline. Protectors are respected since they oppose the Guilders, but are avoided just like any other kaasht. Bi-colors/Guilders: Normal multicolours are watched warily, and the Mystics are quick to grab any young Multicolour they find who is part silver. Guilders, however, are hated with a great and all-encompassing odium that has existed ever since the establishment of the organization. Opinions on Colours Respected: Silver and, to a lesser extent, gold. Indifferent: Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, white, black, and iridescent. Disliked: Copper and translucent |