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Clan Structure Sky kaasht are typically found on higher ground - mountains, cliffs, and plateau edges, from which they can easily launch themselves into the air and catch thermals to glide upon. They mostly avoid flat land, fearing attacks from Plains kaasht, and prefer warmer climates as opposed to the temperate areas of Tryne. As a result of the Curse, Sky clans are very small, rarely exceeding 40 individuals. They are also widely scattered across Tryne, making them seem even rarer than they already are. Many clans are nomadic, constantly seeking out other Sky clans. Clans with a fixed territory will frequently send out young kaasht to search for other Skies. Should two clans meet, they will often merge into one larger group. Skies tend to be very sociable, longing for and attempting to rebuild the large communities they lived in before the Curse struck - their near perfect society on Hymbroad is often held as an ideal by most Skies. Sky kaasht do not build many permanant dwellings, as, being nature lovers, they would far rather be out in the open. Those that they do build are mostly used during extreme weather conditions if there is no natural shelter around such as a cave. Sky kaasht architecture is heavily based on nature, and their buildings are designed to blend in with the natural surroundings rather than contrast with them. Often one has to look closely to discover that they are in a Sky kaasht settlement as opposed to, say, an unusual rock formation. Skies have little need for a complex clan structure, as these peaceful kaasht have little need for rule enforcement. They do, however, have clan Elders, who tend to be kaasht with the best leadership qualities as well as the most compassionate, understanding and modest personalities. They will make all the final decisions, but before doing so will listen to the opinion of every kaasht they can, often calling the entire clan together to discuss matters. Each kaasht in the clan is entitled to their say in matters. Much of the time, though, clan life runs smoothly without the need of any intervention from the Elders. Clan life tends to be fairly informal most of the time, though not nearly as chaotic as a Valley kaasht clan. The Elders are quick to step in should there be any trouble, though there are rarely any fights severe enough for them to need to break things up. Elders do not demand any special treatment or respect for their position. Sky kaasht do understand concepts such as rank - they just don't have much need for them. Skies are very accepting, showing a distinct lack of prejudice even with the Plains kaasht, and will gladly shelter kaasht of other breeds, provided that they too are peaceful. More violent kaasht will be driven out of the clan territory, but even then, the Skies will try to cause as little harm as possible to the intruder. More extreme pacifist Skies won't even attempt to drive violent kaasht away, simply hiding and hoping for the best, and may even refuse to fight back if they are attacked. It is attitides such as these that cause breeds such as Plains kaasht to be disgusted by them. Culture Life for a Sky kaasht is generally peaceful and laid back, their culture forming close parallels with the Beach kaasht. As mentioned before, fights are very rare, and most Skies can easily solve their differences by talking. Skies share a love of nature with the Forest kaasht, and are often very well educated in this area, although not quite so much as the Forests. Whilst they are protective over their environment, they lack the Forest's violent tendancies. Most Skies have difficulty imagining why kaasht of other breeds would ever want to fight, viewing destructive activities as being utterly pointless. They have an almost instinctual urge to help others, and frquently become healers or artists. Sky kaasht art, like their architecture, is nature-based, frequently making use of substances such as plant dyes and other items close to hand. Their homes are often decorated with beautiful cave paintings, their colours carefully chosen to compliment their surroundings. Sky kaasht dislike bias of any form, and so have little in the way of gender roles - however, female kaasht tend to become clan Elders slightly more often than males. As with the Beach kaasht, this is generally agreed to be due to the tolerant nature of a Sky clan. Mostly, though, Skies do not assign certain tasks to males or females. With the exception of stressing love for nature and tolerance for all creatures - virtually instinct to a Sky kaasht anyway - they tend to dislike hard rules. Kits are especially prized in Sky kaasht society due to the rarity of the breed. Rather like a Beach kit, a Sky kit will often find themselves raised by several kaasht as well as their parents. Sky kaasht are usually extremely loving parents, often prone to spoiling their children as a result. They will, however, punish a kit should need be, though Sky kits tend to be well behaved most of the time. Punishments are usually simple verbal warnings, as Skies dislike violence far too much to resort to physical beatings. In their view, violence simply leads to more violence. Opinions on Other Species (later) Opinions on Other Kaasht Types Mundanes: Skies, being compassionate and peaceful creatures, generally pity mundanes and will never allow one to be killed or driven away just for their lack of colour. Attitudes do vary, however, and other kits may at times taunt a young mundane. Mostly, though, mundane kits are spoilt and sheltered even more than normally coloured ones, although this tends to be excessive. Mundane kits often feel overly smothered. Half-breeds: Halfbreeds are loved just as much as single breeds - of course, this may well depend on just what breeds he or she has in them. Some Skies are saddened by Sky mixes, due to the rarity of their species. However, they will not show the Sky mix any less respect. Given that Skies place little value on strength, a halfbreed's double abilities generally fail to impress. To a Sky, a halfbreed is simply another kaasht. Bi-colors: Skies, in general, have no idea about the existance of the Guild. However, they have heard rumours of bicoloured kits disappearing... Exactly what is behind that, they do not know. Whatever it is, they make sure to be especially protective of bicoloured kits. As with halfbreeds, they do not hold any extra respect for a bicoloured kaasht for their extra power. Protectors: As with the Guilders, very few Skies are aware of the existance of the Protectors. Those that do mainly admire them for their role and wish them luck. The more extreme Skies may be saddened by the fact that Protectors are fighters, though they will still show them respect, and will always side with a Protector. Guilders: Those few Skies who know of the Guild are generally disgusted by them. They may have a particular dislike of Sky Guilders - however, they generally understand that they have no choice. They hold some admiration for the more reluctant Guilders who attempt to dodge orders. As for the more dedicated Guilders, many Skies will, in a break from their usual tradition, not hesistate to kill a Guilder causing trouble in their territory. Opinions on Colours Sky kaasht have little bias towards a kaasht's colour - however, golds are probably the most respected due to the fact that their colour abilities are all healing spells, never attacks. Given their love of nature, they also have a respect for green kaasht, though all other colours are loved too - with the possible exception of copper. Skies do not exactly hate copper kaasht, though they find their death-linked abilities to be somewhat unsettling. They won't mind a copper kaasht, though, as long as he or she keeps the use of their colour abilities to a minimum. Although a Sky kaasht will never judge an individual kaasht by its colour, or treat them any differently, they do have small preferences, leaning towards the less destructive colours, which are as follows: Highly respected: Gold Respected: Green, Purple, Yellow, White, Silver, Translucent Indifferent: Black, Blue, Red, Orange, Iridescent Mildly disliked (but not hated): Copper |