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Clan Structure Valley kaasht prefer to live in the rolling hills generally found at the base of mountains or at the edge of flat plains, sometimes in the transition between grassland and desert, but they are often seen outside their territories in search of fun and adventure. Valley kaasht clans generally include between sixty and a hundred individuals but some more stationary clans have been found in small towns of up to three hundred. They are social creatures, always looking for a new kaasht to play their pranks on or just share a laugh with, and the membership of smaller clans is very fluid, always changing as kaasht move on. A kaasht will leave his or her clan for various reasons but the most common include boredom, as the energetic and playful Valleys like changing scenery and new blood to play their jokes on. This keeps clans from becoming inbred as well as making life more exciting for even the stationary Valley kaasht. Kaasht generally do not move around a lot if they are raising small kits, but sometimes whole families will transplant themselves. Within the clan, life is loose and flexible. Prestige is always changing, as it is based more on cleverness than ability, though the older kaasht rarely loose their sense of humor and often their cleverness increases with age. Still, it is not uncommon for a clan "elder" to loose his or her transient position to a kit barely into adolescence who got the better of him in a game or a riddle. As Valley clans are generally democratic in nature, the traditional position of clan elder is not as important as it might be in other clans, allowing for such freedom. A Valley kaasht clan is a great place for the exiled and lonely to spend time, as they are open and welcoming, even more hospitable than the big-hearted Caves. However, the price for visiting for longer than a few hours is being exposed to the brunt of Valley kaasht nature in ceaseless questions, chatter, and, of course, tricks. If there is a dispute or confrontation, whether between clans or between individuals, Valley kaasht prefer to make light of a situation and laugh it off, first. Diplomacy conducted by the most serious member of the clan is the next step and outright battle is a last resort; generally wrongs are forgotten by the Valley side of the dispute long before battle breaks out. Long-standing rivalries between clans may exist, but rarely do they come to anything more than particularly nasty jokes. Culture The culture of a Valley kaasht clan is laid-back and fun-loving, like everything else about Valley kaasht. With the pranks, jokes, contests, and games always in play, life may look chaotic to an outsider, but somehow things still get done. Hunting, teaching, clan-keeping, and other necessary aspects of life take place in the background of clans and usually on no set schedule. Valley kaasht are very family-oriented, on the whole, and most Valley kaasht will profess to loving kits. A Valley asked what the cutest thing on Tryne is would very likely say a Valley kit, either that or a fufami. For all the loving attention they receive, kits tend to be very independent and sometimes too curious for their own good. Bonds of family are usually stronger once kits reach adolescence than in kithood. Characteristic of their personalities, Valley kaasht love to play pranks on each other and games with each other. If a prank or a game goes too far, however, and a kaasht is hurt, punishments are strict. If rivalries between kaasht or clans get out of hand, mediating Beaches or more serious Valleys are called in immediately to diffuse things. Though they may seem frivilous and air-headed, Valley kaasht are loyal and peaceful, with their own brand of honor which can be a unshakable as a Desert's. Opinions on Other Species Sky: Gentle, kind, polite, what else could you ask for in a kaasht? Well, other than a quick wit and a good laugh, but still. It's a terrible shame that there are so few Sky kaasht around, but it's even more of a shame that the ones left don't laugh enough. It would make them pretty close to perfect, in my book. Forest: Three words to describe these fellows: defensive, defensive, defensive! You can't hardly walk into a forest without a Forest kaasht assuming you're up to no good. What's so important about trees, anyway? They're mighty boring, in my opinion. Not even much to laugh about, about trees. Plains: These kaasht are a riot! There aren't many out there that are more fun to tease than a Plains kaasht. Any sensible Valley who runs across one can immediately get a good laugh. Just make sure you're quick on your paws; they tend to bite! Mountain: Stubborn old things, Mountain kaasht. It's kind of fun to get into an argument with one over something trivial and point out all the holes in their defenses, then watch them sputter and glower at you for making idiots of them. They're too stubborn for their own good, though occassionally you'll find one who can laugh at his own thick-headedness. Desert: Ah, the stodgy giants! Not too many kaasht bigger than a Desert, nor with as moldy a sense of humor. At least they don't get roaring furious when they get teased; I suppose there's some merit to honor, eh? Cave: Cave kaasht must be the most adorable things on the face of Tryne, right next to fufamis and Valley kits. They're good-natured, friendly, and even though they're tiny little things, they have a good enough sense of humor to make for good company. Three cheers for Caves, I say! Beach: Another kaasht who doesn't bother to swat at us when we poke a little fun at them is the Beach kaasht. They're on the whole pretty friendly folk; the company of a Beach is pretty pleasant. Now, getting one to give you more than a wan smile for your jokes is something else entirely... Old Mystic: Old whatsits? Who're they? Do they have a good sense of humor? Doubt it, if they're anything like their names: old and mystical. Never met a mystical kaasht who could have a good laugh. But then, I could be pleasently surprised. Where can I find one to find out? Tundra: Poor fellows, Tundra kaasht! Not only are they dull and irritable, they're so depressed that they've forgotten how to smile! If I could stand the cold up in the snowy wastelands they're from, I'd make a trip just to see if I could get one to crack a grin. Marsh: These monsters are right up there with the Plains kaasht when it comes to laughs: they don't know how to make 'em, but they are sure good for getting 'em. Marsh kaasht are even more funny than Plains, sometimes, but the only problem is that they're buried too deeply in their Spyral-forsaken swamps! Who'd want to get all muddy and sticky just to poke fun at a Marsh when there are Plains and Forests and Mountains all around you just begging for attention? Plateau: I get the distinct impression that Plateaus merely humor us. But hey, that's okay, at least they don't chase us away! A bit snobbish, but that makes for even more to giggle at, especially their big words. Whew, I don't even understand most of what a Plateau is saying, but it's amusing to listen to, at any rate! Isle: Wierd little beasts, Isles. Almost funny if you come across one; they're smaller than Caves. Just picture holding one up by the tail, upside-down, and bingo: instant laughs! And the expressions on their faces are so much better than Caves... Caves just laugh with you, while an Isle will do their best to shred you. Hey, it's a Marsh stuck in a Cave's body, what a concept! Opinions on Other Kaasht Types Mundanes: Mundanes are pitied and often the butt of kit pranks, but they are on the whole accepted as Valleys are far too laid-back to care about color or abilities, or lack of them. A mundane is very rarely if ever exiled. Still, the parents of mundane kits, though disappointed, are often more protective than other parents, wary of the child-like cruelty other young Valleys can show in their jokes and pranks. Half-breeds: Kaasht with the blood of two breeds tend to be the butt of more jokes than mundanes, if just to see how their other half will make them react. They are otherwise treated much the same as any other kaast, given that Valley kaasht could care less how strong a kaasht it. Hybrids tend to be more common among Valley kaasht than other breeds as they are very accepting of other breeds and may tend to the flirtateous side. Bi-colors: Kits born with more than one color are well-protected among Valleys, as they have an annoying tendency to disappear, but otherwise are treated much the same as any other kaasht. Protectors: Valleys don't know much about the Protectors; many don't even know what they are. However, those that do agree that they are a good organization and, should they happen to birth a half-breed, will try to find a Protector to train the kit, once they deem the youngster old enough. Guilders: Much like with the Protectors, Valley kaasht don't know much about the Guild and if they do happen to hear about it somewhere, they generally don't care. Valleys are far too easy-going to worry about an elusive danger that may or may not exist. Opinions on Colours All colors among the Valley kaasht clans are respected equally, even including the odd but still interesting Copper. Those that lead to the most fun, however, tend to be Transparent, Irridescent, White, and Yellow. Still, a Valley can make due with Blue for fun-making, casually shocking someone with a mild form of their age ability, or even Copper. Kits of copper fur enjoy scaring or at least fooling older kaasht with their illusions. Older Coppers tend not to use their color abilities, however, as Valleys are not generally interested in dead things unless to startle others with or to eat. |