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Name: | Cateiran |
Gender: | Male |
Age: | 183 (Level 8) |
Species: | Lunar Kaasht |
Height: | 22'1" |
Length: | 21'2" |
Base Colour: | Translucent |
Colour Ability: | Supreme Being |
Species Ability: | Anti-Gravity |
Other Abilities: | Ability Search, Dream, Eyes of the Past, Find Home, Hyper Sense, Perceive, Shell, Slumber, Speak, Walk the Spyral, Ward, Wind Call (all-kaasht), Lunar Dragon, Transfigure, Foretell (Lunar), Call Rain, Levitate, Thunder Watch (Sky), Eyes of Truth, Tree Speak (Forest), Dance With the Spirits (Desert), Curiosity, Forget (Valley), Polymorph (Plateau) |
Appearance: | Cateiran is an oddity among kaasht for one reason alone: he looks ancient. While most kaasht don't show the effects of time until the last months of their lives, Cateiran is brittle of frame and very thin, though he still displays the restive energy of any healthy kaasht. His fur is a pearly white with hints of moonshadow blue, smoothe and clean, but marred by pale scars across his throat, shoulders, tail, and muzzle. Markings of midnight blue stand out against his otherwise light fur, many in the form of a stylized, open eye. One of these false eyes is directly behind each of his real eyes, one at the start of a stripe halfway down his tail, and one marks the top of each foreleg. A symbol shaped like a spiral balanced on a Y shape marks each shoulder, and despite many suspicions to the contrary, both these and the eye-like markings are natural. His eyes are a milky blue-gray and completely sightless, needlessly protected by lining and glare stripes of inky black. The very tips of his paws, no higher than where his silvery claws would extend, are also black, like the many small braids making up his mane. |
History: |
Cateiran was born to a pair of wandering Lunar kaasht well on in years, already far into their seventh levels when he was brought into the world. He was blind from birth, but he learned quickly to make use of the abilities he had to make up for the lack and keep up with his nomadic, gypsy-like, fortune-telling parents. When he developed the rare ability to Foresee in his second level, his aged parents were overjoyed. Unfortunately, they didn't live to see him make much use of it, because before he reached his third level, they died of old age: first his mother, then his father. Before the end, his father left Cateiran with a rare willing clan of Desert kaasht. Though he missed his parents, Cateiran did like living with the Desert kaasht, in large part because an elder of the small clan agreed to teach him whatever abilities he cared to learn, as well as instilling in him a love for all things scholarly. The ability he wanted to learn the most, Dance with Spirits, took nearly all of his time and attention. He was born a fairly proud kaasht, however, so he was determined to master the difficult ability. As the saying goes, pride goeth before the fall, and this was no exception. Cateiran did learn to Dance with Spirits, but it nearly cost him his life. At the end of his third level, he cast the ability, merged with a spirit, and the spirit abruptly took control out of his tail. He and the vengeful spirit escaped the clan, attacking the elder Desert in the process, and struck out across the desert. A pair of fleeruns gave him the scars he still bears before he managed to free himself from the spirit and escape into the (luckily) nearby forest. A small, particularly gentle clan of Forest kaasht found him and generously cared for him until he had recovered as well as he was going to. The failed channeling left Cateiran more delicate than most kaasht, appearing thin and bony, brittle and breakable, as if he were aged and nearing death, as well as neatly deflating the fledgling pride. The kaasht who recovered from the ability was not the same kaasht who had learned it. The Forest kaasht were impressed with his humility and understanding, and one even offered to teach him some of her abilities. He left the clan eighteen years and two abilities later, armed with the ethics of care and hard work. He wandered for a few more years, moving through and past Alcaine and Taathaneev, into the mountains. There he briefly joined a Sky clan, learning three more abilities as well as the ethic of acceptance, where he helped care for kits. Cateiran's love for travel, despite both blindness and slowness of step, could not hold him in one place for long, however. After nineteen years, his next journey carried him across the plains north of the mountains, where he was chased by Plains kaasht into the Valley kaasht city of Ri Eevuu. He sought refuge there for sixteen years, learning two Valley kaasht abilities in the process, and enjoying himself immensely. He even fell in love, meeting an unlikely kaalaa and knowing, beyond a magical doubt, that she was his soul mate. Hsiia Sang, a warrior and hotly passionate despite her cool Beach kaasht heritage, at first resisted his gentle courting, but when she left for Alcaine just a year after meeting him in Ri Eevuu, she invited him to come with her. The two settled in Alcaine, where Hsiia promptly joined the Guard to appease her love of battle, and the Lunar stumbled upon a Plateau in the city streets who was surprisingly open to teaching him a few of their abilities in exchange for being able to study how he learned abilities at all, as well as to study how his Dance with Spirits affected his body. It would keep him occupied for a while longer, at least. Besides, he was finally tired of wandering and ready to settle down, explore Alcaine's vast library, and be social with kaasht of his own breed as well as others. Seemingly effortlessly, Cateiran came to know as many kaasht in Alcaine as an individual could, especially the migrant population of Lunar kaasht, and befriended them. It wasn't long before the majority of the city had heard of the blind Lunar with the kindly nature and angry, Beach kaasht mate. In Cateiran's one hundred and sixty ninth year, the male Lunar kaasht elder, swiftly approaching his dying day, asked him to take his place. Cateiran merely smiled, said, "I thought you might be asking me that soon," and agreed. He has since become a well-loved Lunar elder, and grown to be good friends with the other blind elder, Terbeker the Plains. Cateiran is a calm and patient individual with a fondness for the young and an irrepressible desire to help the helpless. It takes a lot to surprise or anger him, though bringing about a smile isn't difficult. He tends to be a bit absentminded, but never with anything terribly important, and is of the scholarly type. |
Created and Played by Cacopheny. | |
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