Air Blast |
The kaasht breathes in deep, and breathes out a gust of wind |
Burning Skies |
The air around the kaasht or its enemy becomes extremely hot |
Call Rain |
As it sounds, it allows the kaasht to call rain |
Control Wind |
The ability to call up great gusts of wing to either help fly, or attack an enemy |
Fast Wing |
The ability to be able to fly at great speed by invoking it |
Feather Ball |
Feathers from the kaasht's wings come together, and form a ball that is surprisingly dense, and dangerous. It can be directed by the Kaasht invoking it |
Feather Call |
The kaasht gives a feather to a friend, and the kaasht can be called for help or whatever |
Hiding Cloud |
This ability calls up a large cloud for either the kaasht to hide in, or to confuse its enemy |
Levin Bolt |
Allows the kaasht to throw a bolt of lightning at its enemy |
Levitate |
Ability to levitate yourself, or something or someone else |
Lightning Blade |
The kaasht is able to make a blade of lightning |
Lightning Call |
The kaasht can call lightning from the sky to its enemy |
Lightning Dragon |
The kaasht is able to change into a dragon that can use lightning. Becomes the same size as the kaasht |
Lightning Storm |
The kaasht calls up a lightning storm... he/she cannot control it |
Retract Wings |
The kaasht is able to retract its wings into its body so as to look more normal |
Silent Glide |
The ability for the kaasht to fly silently |
Spike Tail |
The tail grows spikes, and can be used as a mace |
Thunder Watch |
Allows the kaasht to find out what the weather will be like that day |
Whip Tail |
The ability for the kaasht tail to become like a whip, and be used as a whip |
Wing Blades |
By invoking this, the feathers on a Kaasht wings become sharp edged for either protection, or the ability to shoot them |