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![]() Coronakaasht Kaasht Anatomy Male and Female Kaasht Kits, Aging and Gestation Size Chart and Dragonforms Sky Kaasht Forest Kaasht Plains Kaasht Mountain Kaasht Desert Kaasht Cave Kaasht Beach Kaasht Valley Kaasht Old Mystics Tundra Kaasht Marsh Kaasht Plateau Kaasht Isle Kaasht Lunar Kaasht Minena Greater and Lesser Minena Others Leucrottas Murin Back to Species |
Sizes Each type of kaasht and minena is a different size. Here is a size chart to show you the differences: Size Chart (full size version - warning, big!) Size Chart (smaller version) Dragon Forms These are the different dragonforms for each kaasht species. Each one has a unique dragonform that holds power over a different element. In dragonform, the kaasht will be the same size as he/she is in their normal kaasht form, and will retain their coloring and markings. Transforming into a dragon and back does take quite a bit of energy, although retaining the form doesn't. It is possible, occassionally, for a kaasht to get 'stuck' in their dragonform - this can last for anywhere from an hour or two to a few days, and in extremely rare cases, even longer. Like all abilities, the dragonform takes some practise to use well. With practise, the chance of getting stuck will decrease. Lightning Dragon (Sky Kaasht) Forest Dragon (Forest Kaasht) Fire Dragon (Plains Kaasht) Rock Dragon (Mountain Kaasht) Glass Dragon (Desert Kaasht) Acid Dragon (Cave Kaasht) Water Dragon (Beach Kaasht) Cloud Dragon (Valley Kaasht) Spirit Dragon (Old Mystics) Frost Dragon (Tundra Kaasht) Marsh Dragon (Marsh Kaasht) Light and Shadow Dragons (Plateau Kaasht) Decay Dragon (Isle Kaasht) Lunar Dragon (Lunar Kaasht) Multibreed kaasht and hybrid dragonforms Lightning Dragon (Sky Kaasht) The sky dragon is long in body, and Asian-looking, like the forest, but more slender. It has a mixture of feathers and iridescent scales over its body. It has long, slightly curving horns, and whiskers like the forest dragon. It has two sets of wings, just like a Sky Kaasht’s. It has power over weather. (picture coming soon) Forest Dragon (Forest Kaasht) The forest dragon looks very Asian; it has curving antlers and long moustache/whisker things. Its body is long and limber; its legs rather short. A crest of fur runs down its spine and an odd, leaf-shaped structure tips its tail. The tail tip's form is unique to each dragon. The dragon's elbow and knee joints are tufted with fur. Its scales resemble those of a carp, or a pangolin, or a pinecone; take your pick. It has power over plants.
The plains dragon has long, powerful legs, to run down its prey, and the "big toes" on the hind feet have large, sickle claws, like a dromeosaur (raptor-type dinosaurs). Its tail is long and thin, and can be used to whip an enemy. Its wings are useless for flight, but they are perfect for another purpose, the wing-fingers are shortened, tipped with wickedly sharp talons, and are used to slash at other beings. It has smallish horns on its nose, chin, cheeks, and the back of its head. A spiny crest with a web of skin in between each spike runs down its spine. It has power over fire.
The mountain dragon has a thick shaggy coat of dense fur, to protect and insulate it against the harsh alpine weather. Its neck is rather short. A pair of spiralling rams horns are set atop its head, and a single curving horn juts from the centre of its forehead. Short spikes protrude near the back of its lower jaw. Its ears are small, to hold in heat. Its wings are bat-like, and covered with a short but dense coat of fur. Its tail is tipped with a stout club, a bit like an anklyosaurus. It has power over rock. ![]() Glass Dragon (Desert Kaasht) The desert dragon is long and lithe in form, almost more serpentine than draconic. It is adapted to allow it to move swiftly under the sand. Its legs and wings are tiny, nearly useless. It has three pairs of compound eyes, one large pair, and two smaller, one above and one in front of the larger. It has two pairs of straight horns sprouting from the back of its head; its ears are fin-like, and supported by spines. It has power over sand and glass. ![]() Acid Dragon (Cave Kaasht) The cave dragon has large eyes, and three pairs of bat-like ears, one inside the other, each set adapted to hear different sound frequencies. The nose is shaped like a leaf-nosed bat's (it pretty much looks like a pig's snout). Its chin has two little barb thingies, like a carp's. It is a wyvern, its forelimbs serving both as legs and rudimentary wings, and it can glide, but not truly fly. Its tail has a thrice-forked prehensile tip. It has power over acid. ![]() Water Dragon (Beach Kaasht) The beach dragon looks like a moasasaur with crocodile legs and a webbed fish-like fin running down its spine. Its ears are internal and it is wingless. It has control over water. ![]() Cloud Dragon (Valley Kaasht) The valley dragon highly resembles a gryphon, but its neck is longer, its forelimbs shorter, and it has clawed fingers on its feathered wings. It may have either one or two pairs of wings - your choice. It has a long feathered tail with a tuft of fur at the end. It normally bounces along the ground like a kangaroo on its strong hind limbs. It has power over clouds and vapours.
The holy dragon looks somewhere between a Western and Eastern dragon. It has a long, lithe body, short but powerful legs; the hind legs are a little longer than the front legs. Its eyes are faceted, and allow it to see both visible light and spirit energy. A pair of antennae on its head also aid in sensing spirit energies. Its jaws hold many sharp teeth, and are tipped with a strong beak. Its ears are long and slender, a crest of spines run down its back all the way to its tail tip, which is diamond-shaped and can open up into a structure somewhat like a cross between a pair of scissors and a pitch fork. It has three pairs of long, slender bat-like wings, which allow it even greater manoeuvrability in the air than a Sky dragon. It has power over spirit energy. ![]() Frost Dragon (Tundra Kaasht) The frost dragon is long bodied and short legged, just like the Tundra kaasht themselves. Its body is covered in smooth skin except for a series of scales over each eyebrow. It is hairless except for a minena-like mane over its neck and a short back mane over its hips and the base of the tail (a bit like a male Lunar kaasht's). There is also a short mane hanging from the throat and a few small tufts at the elbows and hocks. The dragon's muzzle is of medium length and tipped with a beak resembling a parrot's. It has goatlike ears and two pairs of horns. The first pair are thick, close together, and straight, while the second are at either side of the first, and are smaller and curled a little like a bull's. The dragon's most distinctive feature, however, is the pale blue flame which continually burns at the tip of the tail, and works in the same way as the ability "Cold Flames". It has power over ice and snow. ![]() Marsh Dragon (Marsh Kaasht) The Marsh dragon is extremely snake-like: long in neck, body, and tail. Its serpentine body is perfect for swimming and slithering through the swampy terrain of the marshes, but it also has a short pair of muscular forelegs to aid its travel on drier ground. The Marsh dragon is the fastest of the nonflying dragonforms. Its forepaws are three-toed not including their opposable thumbs, and each digit bears a huge, scythe-like claw. It has no hind legs. Its long tail is tipped with a scorpion-like stinger, with which the dragon can strike with amazing accuracy. Its head is flat and somewhat diamond-shaped, and backed by a cobra-like hood. It has two sets of eyes: one pair is long and narrow, and the other is smaller and pearl-like. The long pair is for normal sight, while the smaller pair - set in the dragon's forehead - view the infrared spectrum like heat-vision goggles. The Marsh dragon's four canine teeth are like the fangs of a snake, and contain a venom much more dangerous than the venom of its tail stinger. The tail venom paralyses, while the fang venom is a deadly neurotoxin. Older dragons have much more toxic venoms than young dragons. ![]() Light and Shadow Dragons (Plateau Kaasht) The light and shdow dragons both have the same general body structure, resembling winged snakes with a thin crest of long hair down their backs. However, the light dragon has soft, feathered wings and a tufted tailtip, while the dark dragon has batlike wings and a forked tailtip. Light dragons have power over light, while dark dragons can manipulate shadows.
The Decay dragon looks mostly like a typical Western dragon, though its wings may vary from normal draconic/bat style, to feathered, or a mixture of the two - take your pick. It has two long horns and tends to be rather thin in build, with its bones protruding, while the long tail is generally tipped with a few spines or a spade. The most notable feature of the Decay dragon is that throughout its life it slowly rots. If a kit assumed this dragonform, it will appear as a mostly whole animal, but throughout its life, its dragonform will appear in a more and more advanced state of decay, until it is an Elder, in which it will appear almost skeletal save for a few shreds of flesh clinging to the bones. In between, the body will appear in various stages of decay, though the invoker is not harmed by this. To further complicate things, the rate of decay can be influenced by the kaasht's personality - being good and kind can delay the rate of decay, while being evil and violent accelerates it. It has power over decay and can also summon dead creatures. ![]() Lunar Dragon (Lunar Kaasht) The Lunar dragon is long bodied and almost snakelike in form. It has a narrow head with a blunt muzzle, long ears, and three eyes - two in the normal places, and one in the forehead. Each eye represents one of Tryne's moons. The dragon has a short pair of hindlimbs, but no forelimbs to speak of - it does, however, have three sets of small wings, spaced evenly along the body, the first pair being at the base of the neck, the third just above the hips, and the second in between. Each pair of wings is again meant to symbolise one of the moons. The wings themselves are mostly ornamental and too small to be used in true flight, so the dragon uses its innate levitation abilities to get off the ground. Its tail, finally, is very long and has a back mane like like Lunar kaasht's (longer in females than in males) but instead of being made of fur, it is instead composed of an auroa of coloured light. The Lunar dragon is able to foretell attacks used against it, and can also create a powerful Shell and Shield around itself. ![]() Multibreed kaasht and hybrid dragonforms Multibreed kaasht may have the dragonform ability for each of their breeds, and will usually use them seperatly. However, it is possible for a multibreed kaasht to cast all of its dragonforms in one go, appearing as a hybrid dragon. However, the dragon's abilities will be unstable and difficult to control unless the kaasht is well practised at using the hybrid dragonform. For this reason, very few multibreeds ever do use a hybrid form, and most of the time they only appear in one by accident. Using a hybrid dragonform also carries with it a greater risk of getting stuck. The combination of features that the hybrid dragonform has is up to you. The following illustrations are just examples.