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Wreoo Shraackn'n (Source Hunters) This organization consists of Kaasht who believe in a thing they can only term "The Absolute Truth"- believing that their bodies are just shells and relying on them (including the very much-used tail) is a weakness that inhibits one from finding the Absolute Truth and from pushing their abilities as living beings to the limits. Newcomers are granted a trial period where another kaasht follows them around for a certain period of time, monitoring them and hiding from view with abilities that aid in stealth. The newcomer that is followed around has its tail bound up tightly to the base and weighed down with heavy weights (sometimes rocks, other times simply heavy myriad objects) to exhaust the kaasht while it makes its way about without the tail. When the kaasht has been doing well without its tail, a ceremony is held and the tail is cut off. Gold Kaasht are used to staunch blood flow; if none are present then a kaasht with Healing Touch is used. Barring that, natural healing using herbs and poultices are used (and often chosen by the kaasht getting the tail cut off ahead of time, showing to others that he or she does not want another to suffer using an ability just to heal him. They do not have any special memorizable quotes that they give to newcomers, seeing them as mental crutches for one to fall back on. The organization makes no secret of its presence on Tryne and actively preaches about their goals, though they do not force it on others. They have been around for roughly the past 7 years or so. Ranks Aiidaa (voice): There are four Aiidaa, two of each gender. Tribe and color does not matter, as the kaasht of the group try to get past color and breed prejudices, though mundane kaasht are seen as already past some of the problems that normal kaasht seeking the Absolute Truth would have to face. Nonetheless, Mundane kaasht have not yet held position of Aiidaa. Both Aiidaa work with each other to assign various tasks to the lower ranking kaasht and plan what the group should do next. A new Aiidaa is picked from among the entire organization secretly, based upon how well the current Aiidaa believe the chosen kaasht has furthered itself in the search for the Absolute Truth (after all, it must be something found within oneself or among others, not a physical entity). Marking: the tailbase is usually covered by a grey silken fabric with dangling multihued beads, which has two loops on the left and right sides for the kaasht to step into, its groin securing the piece in place. Wra (daughter) / Zee (son): Just below the Aiidaa are the Wra and Zee, kaasht who have distinguished themselves from the Cuuros and Suuna by their deeds and theories. They are entrusted with the running of the activities given them by the Aiidaa, and give directions to the Cuuros and Suuna. Marking: over the scar where their tails used to be- the rune of Life. They give a lecture when tattooing it to the one getting it that the rune of Life is to represent seeking out the secret of life as it relates to the kaasht and the limits of the body before they joined the group, and by becoming a Wra or Zee the kaasht has ascended into a higher quality of life. (Whether or not this is true depends on how devoted the kaasht is to the search of the Absolute Truth behind Life). Underneath it is the Spirit rune, believing in the soul of oneself being unhindered by the body. Cuuros (brother) / Suuna (sister): The first rank of the kaasht to be accepted into the group, all are marked and recognized by having been initiated into the group. They often get stuck with the 'dirty work'- talking about their group and recruiting others. They don't often complain, and those who do get lightly embarassed by a lecture from an Aiidaa in front of others of the group. They often undergo the most personal work, ridding themselves of excess mental baggage including prejudices and reflexes such as using abilities to accomplish mundane tasks. Marking: none. Simply tailless. Ssaa Qaasuu (tail honor) The Ssaa Qaasuu is the ritual all kaasht that join the group and are accepted undergo. The tail of the kaasht undergoing the ritual is finally unbound, allowing for the kaasht to stretch it out briefly. While it is still getting used to being free (and usually quite stiff or numb), ritual blades of sharpened metal are used, with runes carved into the sides of them. They stress the importance of cutting the tail off in a 'mundane' fashion so as not to rely on abilities to sever it, and talk of the tail being a representative of a crutch keeping the kaasht from learning more of the Absolute Truth by having to rely on it to do many things. Afterwards, the kaasht is allowed a period to heal up and that night, others of the group hunt a predator and prepare a feast in celebration of the kaasht's initiation. |