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What is the aim/plot of the game? How many characters can I have? Is it okay to make up a character just for the purpose of RPing, or writing stories about, but not to actually RP? What types of character are restricted? Why? Can I make up a city/organisation/religion/pet whatever for the RP? Are you insane? What the hell are Coronakaasht? How does (insert ability name here) work, exactly? Do kaasht mate for life? Do kaasht wear jewelry and other adornments? What do kaasht eat? Where the hell is Tryne...in fact what the hell is Tryne? Why did you make these stupid things and places? Can I use (insert Tryne species here) in my own RP/world/stories? Who the hell are you people? What is the aim/plot of the game? There is no one strict, defined aim for playing The Colour Spyral. Essentially, you are just telling the story of your character and seeing what happens to them in life. There is no goal such as 'be the strongest character'. And no, you can't 'win' the game - any more than you can win life! It's all about the playing. Of course, there are underlying plots in the RP. The 'main' plot is probably the Guilder/Protector power struggle and Chameleon's hunt for the Elementals, but there are many other plots and situations your character may become involved in. Keep an eye out on the OOC board, as sometimes our some of our members may run their own plots, which you can enter your character in. How many characters can I have? There's no limit. However, please be aware that you may only create one character per person per two months. See the Rules for more details. Is it okay to make up a character just for the purpose of RPing, or writing stories about, but not to actually RP? If you want, sure! The focus of this site is, of course, RPing, but if you don't feel you'd be any good at that, or don't want to, but still want a Coronakaast, Minena or Murin character for another purpose such as drawing, then yes! However, please explain in your application that you do not intend to RP the character. (And yes, it's okay to change your mind later if you do decide you want to RP them). What types of character are restricted? Why? Multibreed and multicolour kaasht - if you are a newcomer, you may not play one of these. This is because they are more powerful than ordinary kaasht, so it's a good idea to build up a bit of RPing experiance before tackling one. If you feel you're ready to play one, just ask! Most of the time we'll say yes - if not we'll politely explain why and try to give you a few tips, so please don't be too upset. Also, for your first multibreed/multicolour, don't go higher than two breeds or colors unless you have a good reason. If you'd like to play a kaasht with more breeds or colours, it's a good idea to ask permission first, as these characters can be very strong. Elementals and leucrottas (kaasht/minena hybrids) - these characters are highly restricted and are only given out as playable characters by Sarah. Don't beg for one - if you're a good RPer and you stick around, then you may well be in with a chance. Elementals are restricted simply because they are the most powerful beings on Tryne, while leucrottas are restricted because they are extremely rare, and we don't want the RP to become flooded with them. Kits and minlings - not exactly banned, but please ensure that they have someone to care for them. Kaasht under mid-level 2 and minena younger than mid-adolescent stage will not be approved unless they have a carer (eg they are part of a clan). Old Mystics and Sky Kaasht - again, these are not really restricted, so it's okay if you want one. Just keep in mind that these breeds are rare, and that Old Mystics tend to have strong abilities. Please try not to make a Sky just because you want a winged kaasht, or an Old Mystic because you want a strong kaasht. Can I make up a city/organisation/religion/pet whatever for the RP? If you think you have a good idea, post it on the RP board or email it. It might get used, it might not, but new ideas are always appreciated. We'd rather you had a good bit of experence with RPing here, though. Not to be elitist - we'd just rather have suggestions from people with a good idea of how the kaasht world works. Also, please don't mail us with idea for new species! We've got plenty as it is. Are you insane? Er....depends on who you talk to. I've heard that if you think you are sane then you are insane, and if you think you are insane you are in fact sane. So I guess that means I'm sane since I think I'm insane. Care to speculate more? What the hell are Coronakaasht? Well that is both a simple and complicated question. Cornonakaasht are a race of sentient beings that look like...sort of...the cats of Earth. The smallest (right now) can be as small at 5 feet tall as a full grown adult, the biggest 31 feet tall. There are 14 breeds...or species. Plains, Forest, Tundra, Marsh, Plateau, Desert, Mountain, Cave, Beach, Sky, Isle, Valley, Lunar, and Old Mystic. Each species is different, and has different characteristics and personalities..in general. Sky Kaasht tend to be peaceful while Plains Kaasht tend to be very warrior-like. Coronakaasht (or Cooroonaa'kaasht... meaning Colorkaasht), are basically what their name states. They are colorful. They can be of any color in the spectrum...including some that aren't, like iridescent and translucent. There are 13 basic...or base...colors. Red, Blue, Yellow, Orange, Silver, Purple, Black, White, Gold, Iridescent, Transluscent, Green, and Copper. Kaasht can literally be of any color. Kaasht live on their own world also, Tryne. (pronounced Tryn...the e is silent and the y sounds like ih). Tryne is an absolutely huge planet...but I'll get into that later. Kaasht live almost everywhere on Tryne...including the water. Some even speculate that there are underwater cities that are or were built by the Beach Kaasht. Is that enough or is more needed? How does (insert ability name here) work, exactly? Go here. If the ability you want to know more about isn't listed there, just ask. Do kaasht mate for life? Yes and no. Like humans, some kaasht stay together throughout their life, while others break up. There is no marriage in the kaasht world, but there is a thing known as 'bonding' which is a sort of ceremony declaring that two kaasht are bonded. The bond can be broken though. There are also life-mates, which is like soul mates here. Life-mates are rare, and don't occur often. Do kaasht wear jewelry and other adornments? Yes, kaasht wear jewelry. They wear anything from a range of necklaces, to earrings, to braclets and tail rings, to even nose and eyebrow rings. Kaasht will also adorn their tail with ribbon or lace, or have their tail fur (or manes for males) braided. Kaasht also tattoo themselves. Isle Kaasht are known for their tattooes and odd jewelry. Kaasht do not wear clothes though, although for some ceromies (usually in sects and priesthoods), they will have a ceremonial back drape, or hat. What do kaasht eat? Kaasht, like any carnivore, eat meat. They often prefer it to be raw and bloody, although they will cook their food. Kaasht also will, and often like, vegetables and fruits. Among their favorite prey are ru, seemi, cycan, and h'kir. All of these, and more are on the Fauna pages under General Knowledge. Where the hell is Tryne...in fact what the hell is Tryne? Tryne is right next to Neverland...is the third star to the left and straight on to forever. Tryne exists in my head people...and for that reason its properties are special. In real life this world probably couldn't exist...maybe. Just go with the flow people. Flooooow. (To find out what Tryne looks like, go to the Maps page.) Also, Tryne...in general...has the same properties and such as Earth. There are mountains, and rivers, and oceans, and lakes, and plains, and forests and all that fun stuff. Just think of Tryne and as a big giant Earth...with less ocean...yeah. *nod* Why did you make these stupid things and places? I did it because I wanted to. Basically it all started from a pic I found on the 'net once...I think it was by Jennifer Rodriguez...Pacrat...anyway she had drawn a colorful cat with spots and strips. I went ooooh...and tried to draw one. Of course it looked a lot like hers...(right down the the style)...but worse. I couldn't draw well then...(or now)... Well anyway I drew of couple of them...I even gave one wings. Then I got bored and didn't draw any more. Until my next sketch book. Then...almost close to the end...I drew a cat like critter. But it was my own. By this time I had completely forgotten about the color copies I had drawn. His name...I decided...was Kubashaw. (Search my VCL archive...I uploaded the first kaasht pic ever there) From there he became a character. And then I made his friend. Renily. Then came Tori and Kimi...(Kimi was pronounced Key-me). Strangely I decided the females had spots and males stripes. Males also had thinner tails with a poof at the end while females were fluffy like a foxes. Even that their glare stripes were different. Plus females had tufts on their ears. Even then I knew this...and this was over 4 years ago. At that time I was stupid...(well I guess I still am...I mean, look at their name!)..but I decided to call them TeknoKats. Before you ask, yes I did know that Christy Majors had a character called TeknoKat and she was known as TeknoKat. I felt that mine were not related in any way to hers. But I hated that name anyway...and the became TekniKats...not much better....but...well....at least it dealt with color and not technology. Kaasht aren't very technology oriented. Hell, they don't even wear clothes. (Not that they need them.) Anyway, I then changed it slightly to Teknikats...and they were basically called kats. Much later on they became known by their proper, Kashtian name of Cooroonaa'kaasht, or just Coronakaasht for short. Erm...gee I think I gave more than a why there....I gave a how too. Oops. Oh well....answer your question? Can I use (insert Tryne species here) in my own RP/world/stories? No. Coronakaasht, Minena, murin, and all other Tryne species occur on Tryne ONLY. They cannot jump to other worlds, so please do not include them in your own. Sorry, but that's the way things are - we're not trying to be mean. You are of course perfectly welcome to write stories set on Tryne about your own kaasht/minena/murin characters! Who the hell are you people? The Color Spyral is, for the most part, run by three people: Teknikat, or Sarah, is the creator of Tryne and the playable races, and the designer of the website. She is also the owner of Chameleon, Falcon, and the Life and Death Elementals. Aeireono runs the webpage and reviews some of the character applications. She is the owner of the male Forest Elder of Alcaine, and the Poison Elemental. Phoenix is the other character approver, and also hosts some of the pages on the site (Fauna and Ability Descriptions). She is the owner of the male Plains Elder of Alcaine and the Metal Elemental. The website's layout was created by Laura Lee Young (Shavahi). It is hosted by Nikki at lmfao.org.uk. The forums are hosted by Tilly at creativeinsanity.net. |