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Layrooy The chickens of the kaasht world, layrooy are heavily domesticated with few kind living in the wild. They grow to be about the size of horse to the size of pig. Layrooy come in many different colors and varieties, and some are known to make pets out of them instead of eating them or their eggs. They are often kept in cities and in Clans as a constant food source, and can be prepared in many ways. Many seem to prefer them cooked instead of raw. ![]() Liasp This species of fish, though very tiny, plays a pivotal role in the life cycle of one of Tryne's aquatic plants. Drawn to the white flowers of the aquatic lookeerreevoo, liasps are mysteriously responsible for the tidewater plants' pollination. These 3" fish are found in schools along any shoreline where lookeerreevoo grow, feeding on microscopic plants and animals. ![]() M'kan Large herbivores, the twenty foot tall m'kan tend to live singularly in the plains, forests, and marshes. They have a very thick hide and have the tendency to change their color to fade into their background. They flesh has an odd flavor that some find delicious while others find it revolting. Young m'kan are prized for their tenderness and sweet flesh flavor. M'kan beaks are often made into spear heads or tools by the minena. Mrr'grak Mrr'grak are solitary, poisonous insects most commonly found in the desert, though they have been known to wander into other climes that border the deserts. Their venom is so concentrated that one sting can kill even the huge Desert kaasht, albeit slowly and painfully. The vicious insects are about a foot in length when the tail is not arched over the back. ![]() Nightcreeper A small creature, they are very common and seen as a pest. Think of a cockroach. They live just about anywhere and are seen as harbingers of disease and are often killed on sight. They are like rats and cockroaches in that they can live anywhere and everywhere. Nightcreepers often live in large numbers where there is a large population of kaasht or minena. ![]() N'kau Quiet omnivores, n'kau live in the forests, plains, mountain, desert fringes, and near the water. Few kaasht hunt these peaceful creatures as they are both fleet of foot and hard to catch unaware. N'kau are devoted to their young, which they care for over a period of three years. N'kau can grow as large as a mid Level Forest kaasht, although they rarely reach this height. N'kau spines are prized for the odd sound that is created when wind is blown through them. Opsin A furry snake like creature, they are large in size and live mainly in the tundras and mountains. As young they are preyed upon by kaasht, but as they grow larger they in turn will prey upon kaasht, usually kits. They are surprisingly fast and cunning, and will sometimes chase down a kaasht then leave it, just enjoying the chase. Racoo Another domesticated animal, the racoo is equivalent of our goat or cow. They are kept both as food sources and for the milk that females produce constantly. They are often quiet tempered, and are sometimes made into beloved pets. Racoo young are often eaten as their flesh is tender and sweet. Racoo in the wild are a rare sight, but some to live in the deep areas of the forests and on secluded plains. ![]() Ru A rodent like animal that is a staple of the kaasht diet. They are anywhere from medium sized dog to a bigger than a Desert Kaasht in size. They come in many varieties and can live just about anywhere, even in the water. They are extremely agile and fast, and have tendencies to live in family groups, with the males leaving to seek out other groups. They are one of the most populous and varied creatures on Tryne. Many are bred for the sole purpose for food, and are a favorite animal to keep in herds for slaughter for big cities like Alcaine.
Sarabandi Even though they resemble small lizards, these mottle-skinned creatures are actually amphibians. Two feet long as adults, sarabandis live in marshes, around rivers and lakes, or anywhere there is water and the air is moist. On warm nights, both male and female sarabandis fill the air with the soothing sound of their cricket-like chirruping. Their slimy skin and flesh disgusts most creatures, but they can be eaten. ![]() Seemi About the size of a moose, they are a source of food to mainly Sky and Forest Kaasht. They can glide for miles on front legs that have been elongated with webbing. They are swift gliders, and are very maneuverable in the air. Once they land though, they tend to be ungainly and easy to capture. They live in large 'flocks' led by a single adult female. They are renowned for their tenderness and are often sought after as a food source. They are considered a delicacy outside of the forests and cliff areas. Segun Segun are shy quiet herbivores. They live in pairs to groups of four. They have keen eyes and an even keener sense of hearing. Their are preyed upon by kaasht of every sort as they live almost everywhere. Their only defense is their ability to shift and shrink in size. ![]() Se'li Smart and cunning, they can range in size. They have the ability to change their size and color. They will sometimes kill kaasht, and live everywhere except in the water. They live alone, and hunt alone. Sheltor Large omnivorous creatures, Sheltor are swift creatures who live singularly. They are about the size of a Level 6 Plains Kaasht, and are extremely good at hiding. They are sometimes hunted, but are usually left in peace as they are surprisingly rare and hard to find. They live just about anywhere, but they are mostly found in the plains, mountains, and forest. ![]() Sh'ven These huge, poisonous snakes dwell worldwide in Tryne's marshes, and have caused the death of many an unwary creature. Their bite is highly venomous, and sh'ven will attempt to bite any creature that comes too close. Their dark coloring makes sh'ven hard to spot in murky swamps, and they are completely noiseless creatures, so experienced marsh-dwellers are always on guard for these powerful, 22-foot reptiles. ![]() Siski A mountain creature that resembles a mountain goat. They live in large herds, with the dominant male being the leader. They are about the size of giraffe, and are quite tasty. They are a mountain kaasht's favorite food. They are often kept as herd animals for slaughter in both Clans and for cities. Skaargon Every Marsh kaasht comes into conflict with at least one troop of skaargon over the course of its life, seeing as these burly reptilians are exclusively swamp-dwellers. Skaargon travel in small troops of about 3 to 10 members, often wandering into Marsh Pack territories. Marsh kaasht actively try to keep skaargon out of their territories, as even a Marsh is considered prey to one of the 15-foot-tall reptilians. ![]() Skeeken These clever 4-foot-tall mammals can be found anywhere that trees grow in abundance. The only time that skeeken touch the ground is if they happen to fall from a branch; otherwise their entire lives are spent in trees. Skeeken have an instinctive fear of the ground and areas without trees, as that is where they are most vulnerable to predators. They even have such a low water requirement that they get enough moisture simply from the leaves that they eat, so they never have to descend to rivers or streams to drink. Skeeken occasionally befriend peaceful Forests and other kaasht or minena that enter the woods, but die of stress within a week if removed from the forest. ![]() Skreeya Named for its high-pitched attack-screech, the skreeya is one of Tryne's largest predatory birds. Skreeya are hunters of small creatures like ru and young seemi, and even small kaasht and minena. Skreeya can be found in any climate but the desert and tundra. They grow up to 10 feet tall, with wingspans around 30 feet across. ![]() Sqeergi A large swamp creature that has a huge mouth and two legs. It waits under water with only its eyes and nose above the water. They are notorious for eating kaasht, and can fit a whole Marsh Kaasht in its mouth. ![]() Swin The size of a Beach Kaasht, they are swift swimmers and will sometimes attack kaasht. Their defense is their sharp spines and claws. They live in small pods that usually live in the ocean, but some have been found in large lakes. Kaasht will sometimes consume them, but mainly they are left alone as their flesh has an oily taste to it. ![]() Sywalker Sywalkers are huge omnivores that live on the plains and in the deserts. The have a thick skin and huge claws on their front feet for defense. These creatures are hunted only in desperation, or by a group of young kaasht trying to prove themselves. Young sywalkers are heavily protected by the group of up to four that they live in. ![]() Taa'li A small, timid, brightly colored species of songbird, taa'li are strict residents of the forest. They are also rather rare, such that many Forest kaasht consider it good luck to actually see one of these birds and hear it sing. Preened-away taa'li feathers can occasionally be found on the ground, and are prized for decorations, but said feathers are usually the most that kaasht see of this almost legendary bird. ![]() Tiryx Tiryxes are highly intelligent birds of prey that live in the grasslands and forests across Tryne. Almost as intelligent as murin, tiryxes are prone to befriend kaasht that can Speak or use Telepathy. Many of the raptors "tamed" as such can be persuaded to act as a messenger bird, or assist in flushing out and catching smaller game on a hunt. Tiryxes range in size from 2 to 4 feet tall, with wingspans ranging from 6 to 10 feet across. They are white, gray, or brown, with tail and crest feathers of crimson, yellow, or cerulean. Their feet and beak are always black, as are their eyes. ![]() Tundrax Tundrax, as their names imply, live only on the tundras of Tryne. They are often hunted by the Tundra kaasht, and many are domesticated for easy consumption. Tundrax tend to live alone or in small groups of up to five. They are slow moving with a thick layer of blubber to keep them warm. Their main defense is their wonderful eyesight, and the ability to create a flash of light to blind their hunters. ![]() Ursen A completely domesticated animal, the ursen are used for both their fur and their meat. Ursen can grow to the size of an elephant, although most aren't allowed to grow that large. Found most often in cities and in Clans, ursen can sometimes be the staple food source of a Clan. Both minena and kaasht keep these creatures. ![]() Venic A cave dweller, they are renowned for their ability to stick to just about anything. They are lone animals that are omnivorous. They grow to be about the size of a seven year old child, and with rarely venture out of the caves in which they live. Vescrowe A known scavenger, vescrowes are smaller in size.. (about the size of a fufami)...and will eat the flesh of anything dead, including kaasht. They are not eaten.. unless one is starving. They are very populous, and live everywhere. They are swift and cunning, and surprisingly smart. Often they are considered pests, and are often exterminated from Clans and cities when they are found. ![]() Wavern Hunters of the skies, wavern are often most feared by Sky and Plateau kaasht. They can grow larger than a Desert kaasht, or as small as Cave kaasht. They are often seen gliding over Tryne, hunting for anything that it can catch. Any kaasht can be subject to their attacks, although they have the tendency to go after flying kaasht that it sees. Young wavern are birthed, then left to fend for themselves. These animals are swift fliers, and the smaller ones can attain great speeds when the go into a stoop. ![]() Wavvit Wavvit are cute creatures that are mini hunters. Kaasht usually leave them alone as their flesh isn't very good and they are no bother to them. They live just about anywhere, except the water and the desert. They tend to live either in pairs or small groups. They will often scavenge around cities or Clans, and it is not unheard of for a kaasht or minena to tame one and make it into a pet. ![]() Wysk About the size of level six Desert Kaasht, the Wysk are swift but stupid antelope like prey. They live in large herds in the Desert. Their defense is living in herds, their speed, and safety in numbers. Young are often protected fiercely, but will be abandoned to save the group. A dominant male leads the herd, and all other males when they come of age are driven away. ![]() Yiwork Another hunter of Tryne, they rarely hunt kaasht, but will go after the occasional minena. Most often they hunt game that are smaller than themselves. Yiwork are seen more often as a pest, but action is rarely taken as they just come back. They rarely live in groups of more than three, but there have been sightings of huge packs of up to thirty. These large packs are dangerous to both kaasht and minena, although they are very rare. Young yiwork are live born and are raised for a year before they are left to fend for themselves. ![]() Yomarre Yomarres are 3-foot-tall game birds that travel in small flocks across the forests, plains, and beaches of Tryne. They spend more time on the ground than in the air, but can fly fast enough to escape any predator unable to catch them by surprise. Females lay four eggs a year - two in the spring and two in the summer - and many kaasht like to eat the occasional yomarre egg as a break from the all-too-common layrooy eggs. ![]() |