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Games Cuuros Shraackn (brother-hunt): This game is most popular among Mountain kaasht but as of late Forest kaasht have taken it up, as well. It is generally a team effort, though teams contain no more than three kaasht a piece, and there can be up to four teams at once. A particular area, generally a large one, is set aside and the teams each start in a different place. The goal of the game is to catch the other teams and tag their members with streaks of charcoal or another kind of temporary dye. Each team is careful to leave very faint trails for the others to find, sometimes even creating traps to tag the whole team that follows the trails. The game is generally considered over at sunset, with the team and individuals making the most tags considered the winner. Niivak Fwiina (careful thought): This is an intellectual game, played mostly by Plateau and Cave kaasht. It is similar to Earth's chess but slightly more complicated. There are twenty different pieces per player, each with its own special function, and the goal of the game is to capture a single piece, no matter how many other pieces are captured in the meantime. The game can, and often does, take hours. Niivak Fwiina champions are highly respected among Plateau and Cave kaasht. Griigaa Ssaa (strong tail): On days that the sun is too hot, Plains kaasht and Desert kaasht test their strength with Griigaa Ssaa, or plainly put, tail wrestling. No part of the body may be used but the tail and the kaasht to touch his opponent's tail to his back is considered the winner. Deeskaa Chaamrii (lost illusion): A game popular among Mystics and Caves is Deeskaa Chaamrii. In this game, one kaasht makes an illusory maze for another kaasht to solve. It is a practice in both abilities and intellect. The maze-maker can use any ability at his or her command to confuse or detrack the maze-solver, and vice-versa. Of course, only kaasht with illusion ability can be maze-makers. Deeskoo (search): Any kaasht breed is likely to at least have heard of this game. It is a game for many, or a game for few, in which one kaasht hides either himself or an object and all the other kaasht involved must find either him, or it. Kraa Wraawan'n (Nine Stones): A well-known game similar to Earth's jacks, enjoyed by many kaasht (particularly kits) due to its simplicity to learn, yet difficulty to master. It is a game for kaasht with good eye-tail coordination. Nine stones, each of a different colour (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, white, black, and silver), are tossed onto the ground by the kaasht playing. The kaasht picks up the red stone, tosses it into the air, and must pick up the orange stone and catch the red stone again before it hits the ground. The kaasht then tosses one of the two stones into the air, still holding onto the other, and must pick up the yellow stone in time to catch the tossed stone again. The game continues this way until all the stones have been picked up: throwing one stone while still holding onto those already picked up, and picking up the next stone in the colour sequence in time to catch the tossed stone. If the kaasht cannot pick up the next stone, drops any of the stones it's holding, or cannot catch the thrown stone, he or she must start over. Points are accumulated by finishing the sequence several times in a row. Few kaasht are good at this game at their first attempt, as it requires a surprising amount of tail dexterity. An addicting game enjoyed all across Tryne, competitions are held to see who can finish the sequence the fastest, and who can complete the most sequences without dropping a single stone. Sports Kaasht Baat (kaasht ball): This is the most popular sport on Tryne and any kaasht can play it. It is a team sport in which the objective is to get a small, heavy ball past the other team's defense and off the playing field through a set pair of goal markers. The team who scores ten goals first is considered the winner. The ball cannot be touched with the tail, only paws, head, or shoulders, though full contact with other kaasht often occurs. Generally, however, breeds of drastically different heights do not play with or against each other: Isle kaasht do not play against Desert kaasht. The playing field is generally very varied, with hills, flatlands, forests, just about anything being fair game. Maanaa Baat (feather ball): This is a variation on Kaasht Baat that only the Sky kaasht, and the occasional aerially gifted Plateau, can play. Instead of having a playing field, there is a three-dimentional set of airspace set aside for the game. A kaasht makes a goal by sending the ball through a hoop at either end of the airspace. This game is significantly harder than Kaasht Baat because the ball must be kept airborne at all times, players must concentrate on flying, and the goal area is much smaller. Wraanti Baat (dirt ball): This variation on Kaasht Baat is the least regulated and most chaotic of them all. No specific field is set out and very few rules are in effect. For example, in regular Kaasht Baat, no abilities are allowed at all. In Wraanti Baat, abilities are allowed to an extent. This version is played most often by Plains kaasht, who tend to prefer a full test of abilities rather than a restricted one, and Valleys, who simply don't care. Acquaniis Baat (water ball): The aquatic version of Kaasht Baat is similar to Maanaa Baat in that the playing area is three-dimensional. The ball is heavy enough to sink and must be kept afloat by paws, heads, shoulders, etc. This version is played the most be Beach kaasht and Isle kaasht, though the occasional Marsh has been able to master it by coming up to breathe. Taas Baat (tree ball): As the name implies, this version of Kaasht Baat takes place in the trees and is played mainly by Forests and Isles. The playing space is three-dimentional, as the players climb and leap in trees, but the ball is much lighter so as to be less likely to fall. In addition to not being able to use one's tail to control the ball, however, Forest kaasht are not allowed to touch the ground: only trees. Cooroona Baat (color ball): Though its name is similar, Cooroona Baat is not much like Kaasht Baat. In this game, it is every kaasht for himself (or herself), and kaasht can carry the ball in their tails. In fact, that is the point of the game. An area is set aside for the game, generally in rough or forested terrain, where a kaasht can easily hide. Each player is given a sack of small balls which, upon hitting an object or a kaasht, explodes into a sticky substance of a brilliant color. The object of the game is to avoid being hit and to hit as many other kaasht as possible before you run out of balls to throw. The game is over when everykaasht is out of balls and goes to a designated spot. This game is especially popular with Valley kaasht, but it is very widespread in play. Faaees Maax (fast path): Simply put, this is racing. The usual kaasht who take part in this are Plains, simply for the reason that they have the best space for it. Sometimes Plateaus, with their lanky build, and Deserts also take part. Kaasht of different breeds never race against each other in official competitions, as size differences make it hardly fair. Artistic (these are pretty self-explanatory ^^ ) -painting -sculpting -writing (fiction, poetry, etc) -dramatic productions -poetry reading -research |